Adjectives ending in ed/ing


1. Adjectives ending in -ed or in -ing

In English there are certain adjectives that share the same root, but can have two different endings: -ed, or -ing.
IMG UNIT 09-01
This man is terrified.
IMG UNIT 09-02
This film is terrifying.

2. Difference between adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

  • Adjectives ending in -ed describe an emotion or state, while adjectives ending in -ing describe a characteristic.
    IMG UNIT 09-03
    The man is annoyed because he has a really annoying girl sitting behind him.
    In this example, annoyed expresses the state the man is in; annoying, on the other hand, expresses a characteristic that the girl has at that moment.
    IMG UNIT 09-04
    This girl is a bit confused.
    IMG UNIT 09-05
    These instructions are confusing.
  • Some of the most common adjectives ending in -ed or -ing are the following:
    -ED Examples -ING Examples
    Amazed You look amazed. Amazing You look amazing!
    Amused My brother is amused. Amusing This game is amusing.
    Bored I'm bored. Boring Rainy days are usually boring.
    Disappointed Why are you so disappointed? Disappointing This is disappointing.
    Embarrassed I was so embarrassed! Embarrassing It was an embarrassing situation.
    Excited She is excited about the trip. Exciting The trip was really exciting.
    Exhausted I'm exhausted. Exciting The trip was really exciting.
    Frightened He is frightened. Frightening The film is frightening.
    Interested I'm interested in music. Interesting This activity is interesting.
    Relaxed I feel relaxed. Relaxing I've had a relaxing bath.
    Satisfied I'm satisfied with my work. Satisfying I have a satisfying job.
    Surprised I'm surprised to see you here. Surprising It's a surprising story.
    Tired I'm really tired. Tiring It's been a tiring day.
    Worried I'm worried about you. Worrying The situation is worrying.


In English, there are certain adjectives that share the same root, but can have two different endings: -ed, or -ing.

They usually describe emotions, that is, they tell us how someone feels.

IMG UNIT 09-06
This girl is relaxed.

They describe a characteristic, that is, they tell what causes the emotion. 

IMG UNIT 09-07
I need a relaxing bath.