Basic connectors


1. Basic connectors

The particles and, but, because, or, so and as are linking words that allow us to join sentences in a logical way and show how one sentence is related to another.







2. How are these connectors used?

  • AND

    It joins two words or sentences that are related in some way. It is also used to say that one thing follows another. It is also used to add information.

    IMG UNIT 10-1
    John and Peter are in a restaurant.
    IMG UNIT 10-2
    Christmas is a time for giving and getting.
  • BUT

    It is used to join two statements when the second one is opposed to the first.

    IMG UNIT 10-3
    I need to get up but I'm tired.
    IMG UNIT 10-4
    My hair is blond but it's not natural.

    It is a conjunction that indicates the reason why a statement occurs.

    IMG UNIT 10-5
    I need a shower because I am dirty.
    IMG UNIT 10-6
    I know about animals because I live in a farm.
    Because is also used to answer a question asked by the question word "why".
    - Why do you want to go to the beach?
    - Because I love swimming.
  • OR

    It connects different possibilities or choices. When there are more than two options to connect, the conjunction or will go between the last two options.

    IMG UNIT 27-01
    You can pay by credit card or in cash.
    IMG UNIT 27-02
    Learn to play the violin, the piano or the trumpet.

    In negative phrases it is used to express that neither one nor the other is possible.

    IMG UNIT 27-03
    You can't sit in the first or second row.
    IMG UNIT 27-04
    I'm not going to be a doctor or a dentist.

    We also use or to express that something bad or unpleasant could happen if a particular thing is not done.

    IMG UNIT 27-05
    Wear your uniform properly or you can't come in.
    IMG UNIT 27-07
    Tie your shoes or you'll fall down.
  • SO

    It is a connector that expresses a result or decision about a previous situation. It is also used to enter a phrase, comment or question.

    IMG UNIT 27-06
    I was very tired so I went straight to bed.
    IMG UNIT 27-08
    So, after lunch, we decided to go for a walk.
  • AS

    It is used to express the reason why a certain action has happened. As will be followed by a comma when it introduces a sentence. It is also used to express that an action occurs at the same time as another.

    IMG UNIT 27-09
    As I was hungry, I went to eat something.
    IMG UNIT 27-10
    As I was driving, my brother was sleeping.


  Use Examples
AND It links words and actions. It adds information. I want some tea and some coffee.
BUT It connects opposing ideas I want to go but I'm tired.
BECAUSE It indicates reason I need to eat because I'm hungry.
OR It connects possibilities or choices Are you going to read this book or not?
SO It expresses a result/decision about a situation. It introduces a comment or question I was very tired so I went straight to bed.
AS It introduces the reason why something has happened. It also expresses actions that occur simultaneously I turned off the TV as I wanted to sleep.