Future simple will

Verb tenses

1. The future simple will

The future simple is a verb tense that we usually use to express actions or events that will happen at a later time than the present moment.
IMG UNIT 11-01
I think this project won't be successful.
IMG UNIT 11-02
I will be the best dancer in the world.

2. Structure of the future simple will

  • Affirmative form
    Subject auxiliarY Verb
    (infinitive form)
    I will
    watch I will watch a film.
    you You will watch a film.
    he He will watch a film.
    she She will watch a film.
    it It will watch a film.
    we We will watch a film.
    you You will watch a film.
    they They will watch a film.
    In oral speech or informal writing, the contracted form 'll is preferred. However, this form can only be used when the subject is a personal pronoun.  (I, you, he, she, etc.).
    Mary will work in a restaurant. / Mary'll work in a restaurant.
    She will work in a restaurnat. / She'll work in a restaurant.
  • Negative form
    Subject auxiliarY Verb
    (infinitive form)
    I will not
    watch I won't watch a film.
    you You won't watch a film.
    he He won't watch a film.
    she She won't watch a film.
    it It won't watch a film.
    we We won't watch a film.
    you You won't watch a film.
    they They won't watch a film.
    It is more common to use the contracted form won't than will not.
  • Interrogative form
    auxiliarY Subject Verb
    (infinitive form)
    Will I watch? Will I watch a film?
    you Will you watch a film?
    he Will he watch a film?
    she Will she watch a film?
    it Will it watch a film?
    we Will we watch a film?
    you Will you watch a film?
    they Will they watch a film?

    Interrogative sentences in future simple also have their own short answers.

    Adverb Subject AuxiliarY
    Yes, I will
    Adverb Subject AuxiliarY
    No, I won't
    IMG UNIT 11-08
    Will you take me to the airport tomorrow? Yes, I will.
    IMG UNIT 11-09
    Will you make dinner tonight?  No, I won't. I haven't got time.

3. How is will used?

The future simple is used for:

  • Spontaneous decisions about the future, i.e., the actions to be carried out have not been planned before the present moment. They are usually promises, requests or offers, among others.
    IMG UNIT 11-10
    I'll buy you a present from London.
    IMG UNIT 11-11
    I'll bring you another spoon.
  • Facts that will be true in the future.
    IMG UNIT 11-12
    We won't work next Monday.
    IMG UNIT 11-13
    The winner will get a gold medal.
  • General predictions based on opinions rather than facts. They are usually reinforced with constructions such as I think, I don't think, probably, I'm sure, among others.
    IMG UNIT 11-14
    I'm sure you will do well in the new job.
    IMG UNIT 11-15
    Do you think we will use flying cars in the future?

4. Future simple with the modal verb shall

In formal British English with the future simple they sometimes use shall instead of will. However, shall is used less and less.

  • This form can be used when we make offers and suggestions only with the pronouns I and we.
    IMG UNIT 11-16
    Shall I Iay the table?
    IMG UNIT 11-17
    Shall we eat pizza tonight?


The future simple is used to express spontaneous decisions and general predictions based on opinions about the future.
  Structure Examples
AFFIRMATIVE Subject + will + verb + (object) Phoebe will take the 3.30 p.m. train.
NEGATIVE Subject + will + not + verb + (object) I won't send the letters until tomorrow.
INTERROGATIVE Will + Subject + verb + (object)? Will you invite me to have lunch? Yes, I will.