There is / there are


1. There is and there are

We use there is and there are to talk about something that exists or that we can see. They can be used in any verb tenses. 
IMG UNIT 32-01
There is a lot of rice on this plate.
IMG UNIT 32-02
There are three peppers in my fridge.

2. Structure of there is and there are 

We use there is with singular countable nouns introduced by the articles a/an or the number one and with uncountable nouns. There are is used with plural countable nouns.

  • Present simple (there is, there are)
      Structure Examples
    AFFIRMATIVE Singular There is There is a chair in my room.
    Plural There are There are a lot of birds in the sky.
    NEGATIVE Singular There isn't There isn't a lift.
    Plural There aren't There aren't dinosaurs in the world.
    INTERROGATIVE Singular Is there...? Is there a place where I can leave my luggage? Yes, there is.
    Plural Are there...? Are there any shops open today? No, there aren't.
  • Past simple (there was, there were)
      Structure Examples
    AFFIRMATIVE Singular There was There was a car accident the other day.
    Plural There were There were a lot of people at the art exhibition.
    NEGATIVE Singular There wasn't There wasn't any milk this morning.
    Plural There weren't There weren't any computers three hundred years ago.
    INTERROGATIVE Singular Was there...? Was there rubbish on the floor? Yes, there was.
    Plural Were there...? Were there any shops near here? No, there weren't.
  • Present perfect (there have been, there has been)
      Structure Examples
    AFFIRMATIVE Singular There has been There has been a robbery at the supermarket.
    Plural There have been There have been a lot of problems with the computers lately.
    NEGATIVE Singular There hasn't been There hasn't been any snow for months.
    Plural There haven't been There haven't been any good concerts lately.
    INTERROGATIVE Singular Has there been...? Has there been a party on the beach tonight? Yes, there has.
    Plural Have there been...? Have there been a lot of guests in this hotel? No, there haven't.
  • Future simple will (there will be)

    Unlike the other verb tenses there will be is used with both countable and uncountable nouns without their form varying.

      Structure Examples
    AFFIRMATIVE There will be There will be a full moon tomorrow.
    NEGATIVE There won't be There won't be any problems.
    INTERROGATIVE Will there be...? Will there be yogurts in the fridge? Yes, there will.

3. How do we use there is and there are?

Both there is and there are, regardless of the verb tense, are used to:

  • Indicate, deny or ask about the place where an element is located.
    IMG UNIT 18-10
    There were some magazines on the table.
    IMG UNIT 18-11
    Is there a supermarket near here?
  • Expressing, denying or asking about the existence of something or someone.
    IMG UNIT 32-07
    There have been 3 weddings in my family.
    IMG UNIT 18-13
    There aren't any vegan restaurants in this town.


We use there is and there are to talk about something that exists or that we can see. They can be used in any verb tenses. 
  Structure Examples
Present simple + There is / there are There is an insect on the table.
- There isn't / there aren't There aren't any cookies.
? Is there...? / are there...? Is there a blue folder in your room? No, there isn't.
Past simple + There was / there were There was an unknown dog in the garden the other day.
- There wasn't / there weren't There weren't apples in the fridge.
? Was there...? / were there...? Were there lots of squirrels in Hyde Park? Yes, there were.
Present perfect + There has been / there have been There has been an accident in the underground.
- There hasn't been / there haven't been There haven't been any changes.
? Have there been / has there been Have there been any storms recently? No there haven't.
Future simple + There will be There will be a concert near here.
- There won't be There won't be enough space.
? Will there be...? Will there be classes tomorrow? Yes, there will.